charmhelpers.contrib.ansible package

The ansible package enables you to easily use the configuration management tool Ansible to setup and configure your charm. All of your charm configuration options and relation-data are available as regular Ansible variables which can be used in your playbooks and templates.


Here is an example directory structure for a charm to get you started:

|-- ansible
|   |-- playbook.yaml
|   `-- templates
|       `-- example.j2
|-- config.yaml
|-- copyright
|-- icon.svg
|-- layer.yaml
|-- metadata.yaml
|-- reactive
|   `--

Running a playbook called playbook.yaml when the install hook is run can be as simple as:

from charmhelpers.contrib import ansible
from charms.reactive import hook

def install():

Here is an example playbook that uses the template module to template the file example.j2 to the charm host and then uses the debug module to print out all the host and Juju variables that you can use in your playbooks. Note that you must target localhost as the playbook is run locally on the charm host:

- hosts: localhost
    - name: Template a file
        src: templates/example.j2
        dest: /tmp/example.j2

    - name: Print all variables available to Ansible
        var: vars

Read more online about playbooks and standard Ansible modules.

A further feature of the Ansible hooks is to provide a light weight “action” scripting tool. This is a decorator that you apply to a function, and that function can now receive cli args, and can pass extra args to the playbook:

def some_action(amount, force="False"):
    "Usage: some-action AMOUNT [force=True]"  # <-- shown on error
    # process the arguments
    # do some calls
    # return extra-vars to be passed to ansible-playbook
    return {
        'amount': int(amount),
        'type': force,

You can now create a symlink to that can be invoked like a hook, but with cli params:

# link actions/some-action to hooks/

actions/some-action amount=10 force=true

Install Ansible via pip

If you want to install a specific version of Ansible via pip instead of install_ansible_support which uses APT, consider using the layer options of layer-basic to install Ansible in a virtualenv:

    python_packages: ['ansible==2.9.0']
    include_system_packages: true
    use_venv: true
class charmhelpers.contrib.ansible.AnsibleHooks(playbook_path, default_hooks=None)

Bases: charmhelpers.core.hookenv.Hooks

Run a playbook with the hook-name as the tag.

This helper builds on the standard hookenv.Hooks helper, but additionally runs the playbook with the hook-name specified using –tags (ie. running all the tasks tagged with the hook-name).


hooks = AnsibleHooks(playbook_path='ansible/my_machine_state.yaml')

# All the tasks within my_machine_state.yaml tagged with 'install'
# will be run automatically after do_custom_work()
def install():

# For most of your hooks, you won't need to do anything other
# than run the tagged tasks for the hook:
@hooks.hook('config-changed', 'start', 'stop')
def just_use_playbook():

# As a convenience, you can avoid the above noop function by specifying
# the hooks which are handled by ansible-only and they'll be registered
# for you:
# hooks = AnsibleHooks(
#     'ansible/my_machine_state.yaml',
#     default_hooks=['config-changed', 'start', 'stop'])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # execute a hook based on the name the program is called by

Decorator, registering them as actions


Execute the hook followed by the playbook using the hook as tag.

register_action(name, function)

Register a hook

charmhelpers.contrib.ansible.apply_playbook(playbook, tags=None, extra_vars=None)

Run a playbook.

This helper runs a playbook with juju state variables as context, therefore variables set in application config can be used directly. List of tags (–tags) and dictionary with extra_vars (–extra-vars) can be passed as additional parameters.

Read more about playbook `_variables`_ online.


# Run ansible/playbook.yaml with tag install and pass extra
# variables var_a and var_b
    extra_vars={'var_a': 'val_a', 'var_b': 'val_b'}

# Run ansible/playbook.yaml with tag config and extra variable nested,
# which is passed as json and can be used as dictionary in playbook
    extra_vars={'nested': {'a': 'value1', 'b': 'value2'}}

# Custom config file can be passed within extra_vars
charmhelpers.contrib.ansible.install_ansible_support(from_ppa=True, ppa_location='ppa:ansible/ansible')

Installs Ansible via APT.

By default this installs Ansible from the PPA linked from the Ansible website or from a PPA set in ppa_location.

If from_ppa is False, then Ansible will be installed from Ubuntu’s Universe repositories.